Saturday, April 20, 2013

Combating Terrorism: What's being done?

Boston Marathon Bombing 15 April 2013

As we have seen over the past week, the United States has many enemies around the world that would like nothing more than to see its demise.  This includes natural citizens and people who migrate to our country and for one reason or another become disheartened with our way of life.  Once these people decide that they need to act, there is almost no stopping them.  They are influenced by radicals and trained to kill without remorse.  The bombing in Boston is a prime example.  Any individual possessing even a fraction of moral turpitude could look and see innocent civilians, including children and pass on that potential target.  The suspects in Boston had no feeling or concern for innocence and they could care less about the people they harmed.

Prior to the attacks of 9/11 the government had policies in place in an attempt to secure the nation and protect its citizens but, that was not enough.  There was a breakdown somewhere which allowed terrorists to strike targets that symbolized capitalism, America's wealth and its defense.  Thousands of innocent people were murdered by an enemy that is ruthless and relentless.  Since that day new Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPD) have been created in order to prevent this from ever happening again.  Even though it is very likely that other attacks will take place again sometime, the HSPDs have been effective as there has yet to be another attack since 9/11 and several attempted attacks have been thwarted.  The Tehrik-e Taliban (TTP) has vowed to launch more attacks within the United States and as stated earlier they have already attempted to do so.  It is imperative that new directives are created as well as revisiting older ones in order to maintain effective security.

There are twenty-five different HSPDs that have been established since 2001 and while they all are vital, certain directives are much more pertinent with regards to dealing with the TTP.  A leading issue in the campaign to protect our homeland from an attack by the TTP is stopping them from entering the country.  Homeland Security Presidential Directive #2 deals with just this, Combating Terrorism through Immigration Policies.  The directive creates a task force solely responsible for tracking foreign terrorists.

It is to ensure:

{“ that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, Federal agencies coordinate programs to accomplish the following: 1) deny entry into the United States of aliens associated with, suspected of being engaged in, or supporting terrorist activity; and 2) locate, detain, prosecute, or deport any such aliens already present in the United States.” (HSPD, 2001)} 

The ability to deny entry is important however, the key is locating the terrorists before they attempt to enter the country.  This task force will use the latest technology and intelligence in order to prevent TTP and other operatives from entering the country.  The task force and others will do everything to protect the U.S. and its assets home and abroad.  The Immigration Naturalization Service (INS) and Customs Enforcement section is covered by section 2 of HSPD #2.  Immigration concerns have recently moved to the forefront of many news agencies.  Most of the issues are concentrated on illegal immigrants from Mexico but, that could very well be the least of our county’s worries when it comes to immigration.  Should members of the Taliban or other terror organizations unknowingly cross the border they could then move freely about the county in preparation for an attack.  It is vital that agencies such as the INS, FBI, NSA and others work together in order to create an impenetrable barrier.  

The war on terror began on September 11th, 2001 when members of Al Qaida attacked the World Trade center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington, DC and in the air on Flight 93 which crashed in Shanksville, PA.  President Bush made this declaration on Sept. 20th during his speech to a joint session of Congress.  He stated that “the only way to defeat terrorism as a threat to our way of life is to stop it, eliminate it, and destroy it where it grows.” (Presidential Speech, 2001)  This struggle started by al Qaida has reached around the globe and new threats by the Tehrik-e Taliban have augmented their menace.  The TTP has proven itself to be a frightening enemy that will not lay quiet and bow down at mere threats.  They are a like a king cobra coiled, showing its expanded hood as a warning and quite ready to strike.  Their strike can be deadly and come at any time but, with constant awareness can be defended against and even exterminated.  We must not be complacent in any way.  Soldiers are taught to maintain situational awareness at all times and civilians need to do the same.  The average person needs to pay attention to what is going on around them at all times.  Diligence will prevail as proven on May 1st, 2010 when:

{“A T-shirt vendor on the sidewalk saw smoke coming out of vents near the back seat of the S.U.V., which was now parked awkwardly at the curb with its engine running and its hazard lights on. The vendor called to a mounted police officer...” (NY Times, 2010)}

Everyday people with everyday lives will be fighting this war as well as the members of the military and state and local law enforcement agencies.  It is a battle that will no doubt continue for many years to come and the government will certainly do everything within its power to protect its people but, it takes a combined effort.  Everyone must do their part to keep our country safe and secure.  Some feel that the “see something, say something” approach is ineffective but, that was proven false in Watertown, MA as an average citizen noticed his shed door open and saw that the tarp on his boat had been tampered with.  He called 911 and this led to the apprehension of the 2nd suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.  Terrorism is something that will be here for a long time and only fools try to wish it away.



Baker, A., Rashbaum, W. (2010, May).  Police Find Car Bomb In Times Square. New York Times.

Bush, G. W. (2002, September). The National Security Strategy of the United States of America. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office

Bush, G.W. (2001, October).  Homeland Security Presidential Directive #2, Combating Terrorism Through Immigration Policies. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office

Gerson, M. (2001, September). Presidential Speech to Joint Session of Congress. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

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