Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Race baiting hits home!

Well, Holy Spirit officials went ahead and apologized.  That’s truly taking the higher ground knowing full well that they were not in the wrong in any way.  I can't seem to let this go, partly because it's an attack on my Alma Mater but more importantly because of the bigger issue of race baiting. When you see it nationally it's easy to just chalk it up to politics but, when it hits home like's much more.  It’s an attack on kids and a school that did nothing more than invoke team spirit and have a good time.  

I have spoken to kids there, I know that there was no malice and I hear the argument that “just because they didn’t intend to offend people, doesn’t mean it wasn’t offensive”. While that may be the case in many issues, it is not here. I’ve looked at the pictures of the costume in question. The kid really didn’t even wear it all the way as it was too hot. He wore just the pants. You can see this in the picture bellow. You can’t even tell it’s a monkey! Check out the rest of the pictures for yourself and please, tell me what’s offensive. I really would like to know.

The fact of the matter is this writer chose to write an article that would get people heated. It would get readers talking and that’s usually a good thing but, not when it’s a complete falsehood.  It’s a farce and I consider it truly irresponsible of the writer, editor and paper. Shame on the Press of Atlantic City for posting this! If anyone is owed an apology it’s the students and Holy Spirit High School!

Thank you Michelle Malkin for taking up this fight as well. Here you can see that this non-issue has even reached Europe. Here's a link to her article. 

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