Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What is the real argument here.....

First I must get this off my chest... Recently in a Facebook argument I read a statement where someone used their service in the military stating that they were sorry that they served for others if they did not understand equal rights (which was this individuals assumption because others disagreed with them). While I certainly appreciate this person’s service to our nation, I feel that in this instance the use of one’s service is irrelevant.  We can't go throwing our service to the country around. We may all serve for different reasons but ultimately we swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic and that we will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. We serve to preserve individual's rights and the freedom to choose. There are laws against inequalities which we defend and just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean you didn’t service in their defense. In actuality we served for the right to disagree.

The argument in question was about the recent decision made by the SCOTUS concerning whether the government can force a company to purchase insurance for it’s employees even if it violates the owner’s religious beliefs. The argument isn't about equal rights as so many want to make it. People can say it's about greed or a war on woman or whatever else they wish...you all have that right, just as much as they have the right to purchase whatever insurance for their employees that they choose. Those individuals enraged because women won't be able to get their birth control are completely misguided and here's the proof. They want it to be a "war on women" so bad that they don't see the forest though the trees.

People can boycott the company and protest all they want as that is a right too. That would do those employees well when business drops and people start losing jobs. That's just brilliant. Then those people can try to find a job with a company who offers the insurance that they desire. You all have to be honest with yourselves. Do you really think it's about birth control? Or religion? Or a war on women? Or greed?  If religion is the loophole they took, so be it...but it's about a company taking a stance against the intrusion of big government or more so against this administration's blatant disregard for the rights of individuals and the Constitution.

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