Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Caught in a lie?

Opps! You got me!

During 2012, in numerous communications with the State Department, officials from the U.S. Mission in Libya stress both the inadequacy of security as well as the need for additional personnel.

The following cables address this issue:

~March 28, 2012, Ambassador Cretz sends a cable to Secretary Clinton requesting additional security assets.

~April 19, 2012, The response cable from the Department of State to Embassy Tripoli, bearing Secretary Clinton’s signature, acknowledges Ambassador Cretz’s request for additional security but instead articulates a plan to scale back security assets for the U.S. Mission in Libya, including the Benghazi Mission.

I found this to be rather interesting but, not earth shattering in the least.  Anyone with half a brain could see that something fishy was going on right from the first response that was issued by the White House.  I know that politicians lie, it's what they do.  I get it.  Point very well taken.  Where I have a problem is when they lie to cover up something so egregious as the deaths of Americans that may very well have been prevented.  I would have been quite impressed if the administration took at least a minute fraction of responsibility for their imprudence.  Would I still have been critical? You bet but, I would respect them a little more. 

To make matters worse, Secretary of State Clinton goes on a rant during her testimony (under oath mind you).  I certainly can understand her being defensive and I do not fault her for that.  That's what happens when someone gets called out and has no truthful retort.  Again, I get it but, she said two things that really pissed me off. 1.) "I had no prior knowledge of a request for more security" and 2.) "What difference does it make?"

Well, it makes a huge difference and even more so now knowing that you knew about it, lied and then attempted to cover it all up.
You see it's all about accountability.  I like to think that I was taught better than that.  I was taught that if I screwed up, which I've been known to do from time to time, I am to man-up and take responsibility for my actions.  Don't try to hide it by lying and covering it up.  What kind of example does that set?  In the long run it only makes matters worse for one but, more importantly people lose respect for you and your word then becomes meaningless. 

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