Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Minimum Rage!

Justice for Fast Food workers? What? Fast food workers are striking over minimum wage?  They want it raised from $7.25 to $15.00 an hour.  Um....what?  For flipping burgers and taking orders, asking "do you want fries with that" (which they get wrong a good percentage of the time, hence the $7.25).  I am not trying to belittle the job so relax.  Historically these positions are filled by teenaged high school students who are just trying to make a few bucks to score some beer on the weekends.  I know that this isn't true for every fast food employee and that the average age of fast food workers is on the rise however, if you are not happy with the wage that your job pays, work harder to move up or move on to another.  I believe that the argument, "it's not that easy", is flawed.  People just need to be willing to learn a new trade because, I guarantee that there are plenty of people who will gladly take the $7.25. 

Back when I first started working I made minimum wage which was about $5.00 an hour.  I knew that if I did what I was supposed to do and made sure that I was at work on time that I could potentially get a raise and make more money.  That's what happened, I worked hard and eventually got a raise made some more money and that cycle continued.  I never dreamed of demanding more money without proving my worth.  I've never made minimum wage since because I continue to work and the harder you work the better you do and the more money you make.  In general, that's how it goes.  How about you try doing what everyone else in the work force does.  Work hard, get promoted or move on to another job.  

These people are not just demanding a higher minimum wage, they want it almost doubled and that is ridiculous.  I don't know if they realize that if they raise the minimum wage, the cost of goods are going to rise.  That's going to make your new minimum wage useless.  You don't go on strike and demand more money for working at McDonald's or Wendy's.  Also, the hand outs people get will only last so long.   Once they start making more money won't they become ineligible for government assistance?  I'm sure that will cause more demands and just another reason to strike. You can't have your cake and eat it too.  It's all about working hard and creating income. 

A great example of  how things fail when you make demands is what happened with Wal-mart in Washington DC.  They were going to build four stores, creating more jobs for people but, there was a demand that they pay a minimum wage of $12.00 an hour to start.  This is much higher than the minimum for DC. so, the stores decided not to build.  That cost hundreds of potential jobs for the District but, people complained that Wal-Mart was wrong for making that decision.  What? That's absurd.  They are a business and if those demands effect their plans then they have every right to reconsider and move elsewhere.  That's what happens when you demand more money. 

Here's something that maybe, just maybe these people should consider.  The basic pay for a military member in any branch starts at $16,091 annually.  That comes out to roughly $7.73 and hour if they worked 40 hours a week but, we know that is not true as Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines rarely work a regular schedule and there is NO OVERTIME! If anyone should be bitching about being over worked and under paid it's them.  Give me a break!  Be thankful for the job you have, if you don't like it either move on or suck it up buttercup!

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