Wednesday, July 8, 2015

So We're Cutting 40,000 soldiers, huh? That makes perfect sense......SMH

I have to say that serving in the military (the Army) for over 28 years I am just a tad bias when it comes to issues like this.  With that said, I cannot for the life of me twist this to make any sense whatsoever. We currently still have troops in Afghanistan and more troops, I'm sorry, "advisers" are being deployed BACK to Iraq. President Obama still has no strategy for dealing with the continued and growing threat of ISIS yet, he wants to reduce our force? Well, they are the "JV Team" huh? Really?

This will cut our active component down to 450,000. That doesn't take into account how many of those are actually fit to fight or even in a combat role rather then a support role. Combined with the reserve forces that will give us roughly 1 million personnel total in the Army. China's army (arguably our leading foe) currently sits at around 1.25 million. Personally, I believe this is completely irresponsible as it diminishes our overall security. 

Something else that bothers me...... this move will be putting 57,000 people out of work. 57,000 more people looking for jobs. Roughly 50,000 more families into a state of financial hardship. Why? Will we really save that much money? I'm sure there are many other programs which could be fleeced, none of which would affect our national security. 

Any thoughts?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Race baiting hits home!

Well, Holy Spirit officials went ahead and apologized.  That’s truly taking the higher ground knowing full well that they were not in the wrong in any way.  I can't seem to let this go, partly because it's an attack on my Alma Mater but more importantly because of the bigger issue of race baiting. When you see it nationally it's easy to just chalk it up to politics but, when it hits home like's much more.  It’s an attack on kids and a school that did nothing more than invoke team spirit and have a good time.  

I have spoken to kids there, I know that there was no malice and I hear the argument that “just because they didn’t intend to offend people, doesn’t mean it wasn’t offensive”. While that may be the case in many issues, it is not here. I’ve looked at the pictures of the costume in question. The kid really didn’t even wear it all the way as it was too hot. He wore just the pants. You can see this in the picture bellow. You can’t even tell it’s a monkey! Check out the rest of the pictures for yourself and please, tell me what’s offensive. I really would like to know.

The fact of the matter is this writer chose to write an article that would get people heated. It would get readers talking and that’s usually a good thing but, not when it’s a complete falsehood.  It’s a farce and I consider it truly irresponsible of the writer, editor and paper. Shame on the Press of Atlantic City for posting this! If anyone is owed an apology it’s the students and Holy Spirit High School!

Thank you Michelle Malkin for taking up this fight as well. Here you can see that this non-issue has even reached Europe. Here's a link to her article. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What is the real argument here.....

First I must get this off my chest... Recently in a Facebook argument I read a statement where someone used their service in the military stating that they were sorry that they served for others if they did not understand equal rights (which was this individuals assumption because others disagreed with them). While I certainly appreciate this person’s service to our nation, I feel that in this instance the use of one’s service is irrelevant.  We can't go throwing our service to the country around. We may all serve for different reasons but ultimately we swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic and that we will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. We serve to preserve individual's rights and the freedom to choose. There are laws against inequalities which we defend and just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean you didn’t service in their defense. In actuality we served for the right to disagree.

The argument in question was about the recent decision made by the SCOTUS concerning whether the government can force a company to purchase insurance for it’s employees even if it violates the owner’s religious beliefs. The argument isn't about equal rights as so many want to make it. People can say it's about greed or a war on woman or whatever else they all have that right, just as much as they have the right to purchase whatever insurance for their employees that they choose. Those individuals enraged because women won't be able to get their birth control are completely misguided and here's the proof. They want it to be a "war on women" so bad that they don't see the forest though the trees.

People can boycott the company and protest all they want as that is a right too. That would do those employees well when business drops and people start losing jobs. That's just brilliant. Then those people can try to find a job with a company who offers the insurance that they desire. You all have to be honest with yourselves. Do you really think it's about birth control? Or religion? Or a war on women? Or greed?  If religion is the loophole they took, so be it...but it's about a company taking a stance against the intrusion of big government or more so against this administration's blatant disregard for the rights of individuals and the Constitution.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

You've got to be kidding me!?!

Lost jobs and hours will enable you to follow your dreams people!  The spin on this is so unbelievably ignorant, it's laughable(if people didn't actually buy it, that however is truly sad). Now that hours will be cut they want you to believe that people will not have to work as much. Really? Are you kidding me? Taken from the CBO~ "Workers who now have access to less expensive health insurance through Medicaid or with refundable federal tax credits that help them pay for premiums will not want to work such long hours after the ACA becomes fully implemented". Such long hours? Like 40? Hours are being cut and jobs already lost yet, people just turn a blind eye.  They keep those blinders on because 'how could our beloved President and Savior fail'?  

Believe me, I would love to see affordable health care for all but, it cannot come with a price tag that breaks the bank.  One of the main issues is that the ACA depends on the healthy youth of today.  In order for it to work, the younger generations must sign up and pay their dues and not get sick. That will never work, mainly because those folks are the ones losing their hours at Applebee's, CVS etc... They are healthy, for the most part, so there is no real urgency to get coverage.  The majority of them are living pay check to pay check so, dishing out more money for something they themselves will get limited use from is plain stupid.

This is not about politics... This is about common sense and reality, not fantasy and lies.  Call me crazy but, it doesn't seem too smart or a "good thing" to cut people's hours so they can afford health care if it's going to lower their overall income and cause them to struggle to pay for everything else. I cannot  fathom how anyone would fall for this BS and blatant deceit.  Do you really believe that people are going to say "YAAAAY!!!!, my health care is cheaper (which it really isn't BTW) and now I work less so, I can now pursue my dreams of becoming an underwater basket weaver.  I'll be living in a cardboard box because I've lost my house and cars but, at least I'll have extra time to fish and play golf.  Thanks Mr. President!!"? Please people, I know some of you are much smarter then that and in reality you should not only be insulted but, you should be outraged that YOUR elected officials are feeding you this crap.  Even if you are the most liberal of liberals you must realize how ridiculous this sounds. Give me a break!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

War on Women? The true colors start to shine through.

Where's the outrage from those crying about the "War on Women"? Oh yeah....I see how that works... It doesn't suit their need now. 

This is so fucking ridiculous. They've got to be kidding?  Not only is this ignorant because of the poor grammar but, they are using our tax dollars to promote sex and drinking?  This is outrageous!!!  So, who's really waging a "war on woman" now?  I thought that the issuance of birth control through  the Affordable Care Act was to promote woman's health.  At least that's what so many were made to believe or how it was presented but, this campaign clearly is promoting sex and of course woman are targeted.   Anyone who banged that 'war on woman' drum prior to the last election better speak up now or else I call "BULLSHIT".

"My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers". Really!??!  The Obama administration is okay with this?  You mean to tell me that no one took a look at these ads and thought that they are sending a wrong message?  I am truly dumbfounded here.  I would have no problem if this were a private company trying to sell insurance but, this is not the case.  These ads are meant to target young people and when tax payers funds are used there must be some sort of ethical screening.

If this were done under a republican administration the outrage from every media outlet would take center stage.  Unreal...   

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Minimum Rage!

Justice for Fast Food workers? What? Fast food workers are striking over minimum wage?  They want it raised from $7.25 to $15.00 an hour.  Um....what?  For flipping burgers and taking orders, asking "do you want fries with that" (which they get wrong a good percentage of the time, hence the $7.25).  I am not trying to belittle the job so relax.  Historically these positions are filled by teenaged high school students who are just trying to make a few bucks to score some beer on the weekends.  I know that this isn't true for every fast food employee and that the average age of fast food workers is on the rise however, if you are not happy with the wage that your job pays, work harder to move up or move on to another.  I believe that the argument, "it's not that easy", is flawed.  People just need to be willing to learn a new trade because, I guarantee that there are plenty of people who will gladly take the $7.25. 

Back when I first started working I made minimum wage which was about $5.00 an hour.  I knew that if I did what I was supposed to do and made sure that I was at work on time that I could potentially get a raise and make more money.  That's what happened, I worked hard and eventually got a raise made some more money and that cycle continued.  I never dreamed of demanding more money without proving my worth.  I've never made minimum wage since because I continue to work and the harder you work the better you do and the more money you make.  In general, that's how it goes.  How about you try doing what everyone else in the work force does.  Work hard, get promoted or move on to another job.  

These people are not just demanding a higher minimum wage, they want it almost doubled and that is ridiculous.  I don't know if they realize that if they raise the minimum wage, the cost of goods are going to rise.  That's going to make your new minimum wage useless.  You don't go on strike and demand more money for working at McDonald's or Wendy's.  Also, the hand outs people get will only last so long.   Once they start making more money won't they become ineligible for government assistance?  I'm sure that will cause more demands and just another reason to strike. You can't have your cake and eat it too.  It's all about working hard and creating income. 

A great example of  how things fail when you make demands is what happened with Wal-mart in Washington DC.  They were going to build four stores, creating more jobs for people but, there was a demand that they pay a minimum wage of $12.00 an hour to start.  This is much higher than the minimum for DC. so, the stores decided not to build.  That cost hundreds of potential jobs for the District but, people complained that Wal-Mart was wrong for making that decision.  What? That's absurd.  They are a business and if those demands effect their plans then they have every right to reconsider and move elsewhere.  That's what happens when you demand more money. 

Here's something that maybe, just maybe these people should consider.  The basic pay for a military member in any branch starts at $16,091 annually.  That comes out to roughly $7.73 and hour if they worked 40 hours a week but, we know that is not true as Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines rarely work a regular schedule and there is NO OVERTIME! If anyone should be bitching about being over worked and under paid it's them.  Give me a break!  Be thankful for the job you have, if you don't like it either move on or suck it up buttercup!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day

As we go into this holiday weekend enjoy your friends and family, your burgers and hot dogs, ice cold beer and all of those sales.  Have fun and relax a bit because all too often we forget to do that in our busy lives.  I have no problem with people enjoying the extra time off for this day but, please do not forget the true meaning of this holiday.

Memorial day is not about supporting our Veterans or the troops currently serving.  We have Veteran's Day for that and honestly, you should show your support daily if you ask me.  It's not a day to thank the troops and their families serving worldwide who continue to make sacrifices everyday.  This day is about remembering and honoring our fallen throughout history.  It's about making sure that those who have gone before us and paid the ultimate price are not forgotten.  As a society we must not allow our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, & Marines to have died in vane.  It is up to each and every one of us to continue living free and making the tough choices and doing what is right in life.  We all must take on the responsibility of teaching our children how to respect our freedoms and not trample on them as the cost was very dear.  This is how we honor them.

Also, we must not forgot those Police, Fire and EMT workers who have died in the line of duty.  These are truly some of the real unsung heroes in my eyes.  They put their life on the line everyday to insure that we can go on living in a safe community, enjoying the freedoms that so many of those military members died to preserve.

I just ask that you take a second sometime this weekend and truly think about all we have.  Put politics aside, forget about left or right.  Forget about the bills, work or how high the damn grass is again.  Relish the fact that you can have a cookout or go to the boardwalk or beach.   But just, if for a short moment, cherish the fact that we live in a free society because of those who paid the price.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson