Wednesday, November 13, 2013

War on Women? The true colors start to shine through.

Where's the outrage from those crying about the "War on Women"? Oh yeah....I see how that works... It doesn't suit their need now. 

This is so fucking ridiculous. They've got to be kidding?  Not only is this ignorant because of the poor grammar but, they are using our tax dollars to promote sex and drinking?  This is outrageous!!!  So, who's really waging a "war on woman" now?  I thought that the issuance of birth control through  the Affordable Care Act was to promote woman's health.  At least that's what so many were made to believe or how it was presented but, this campaign clearly is promoting sex and of course woman are targeted.   Anyone who banged that 'war on woman' drum prior to the last election better speak up now or else I call "BULLSHIT".

"My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers". Really!??!  The Obama administration is okay with this?  You mean to tell me that no one took a look at these ads and thought that they are sending a wrong message?  I am truly dumbfounded here.  I would have no problem if this were a private company trying to sell insurance but, this is not the case.  These ads are meant to target young people and when tax payers funds are used there must be some sort of ethical screening.

If this were done under a republican administration the outrage from every media outlet would take center stage.  Unreal...   

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