Thursday, February 6, 2014

You've got to be kidding me!?!

Lost jobs and hours will enable you to follow your dreams people!  The spin on this is so unbelievably ignorant, it's laughable(if people didn't actually buy it, that however is truly sad). Now that hours will be cut they want you to believe that people will not have to work as much. Really? Are you kidding me? Taken from the CBO~ "Workers who now have access to less expensive health insurance through Medicaid or with refundable federal tax credits that help them pay for premiums will not want to work such long hours after the ACA becomes fully implemented". Such long hours? Like 40? Hours are being cut and jobs already lost yet, people just turn a blind eye.  They keep those blinders on because 'how could our beloved President and Savior fail'?  

Believe me, I would love to see affordable health care for all but, it cannot come with a price tag that breaks the bank.  One of the main issues is that the ACA depends on the healthy youth of today.  In order for it to work, the younger generations must sign up and pay their dues and not get sick. That will never work, mainly because those folks are the ones losing their hours at Applebee's, CVS etc... They are healthy, for the most part, so there is no real urgency to get coverage.  The majority of them are living pay check to pay check so, dishing out more money for something they themselves will get limited use from is plain stupid.

This is not about politics... This is about common sense and reality, not fantasy and lies.  Call me crazy but, it doesn't seem too smart or a "good thing" to cut people's hours so they can afford health care if it's going to lower their overall income and cause them to struggle to pay for everything else. I cannot  fathom how anyone would fall for this BS and blatant deceit.  Do you really believe that people are going to say "YAAAAY!!!!, my health care is cheaper (which it really isn't BTW) and now I work less so, I can now pursue my dreams of becoming an underwater basket weaver.  I'll be living in a cardboard box because I've lost my house and cars but, at least I'll have extra time to fish and play golf.  Thanks Mr. President!!"? Please people, I know some of you are much smarter then that and in reality you should not only be insulted but, you should be outraged that YOUR elected officials are feeding you this crap.  Even if you are the most liberal of liberals you must realize how ridiculous this sounds. Give me a break!